Broken to Brilliant use a ‘Pay it Forward’ model, were domestic violence survivors share their stories and strategies to overcome the effects of abuse in order to help other survivors on their journey to recover and heal after domestic violence.
Through Broken to Brilliant’s ‘Give a Book’ program individuals and organisations can give a book to a refuge bed to provide hope and inspiration to create a new life after abuse.
We thank the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Trust for their generous donation of seventy books from our series of stories of strength and success. The three titles in the series are:
Broken to Brilliant Breaking free to be you after domestic violence, stories of strength and success.
Terror to Triumph Rebuilding life after domestic violence, stories of strength and success.
Shattered to Shining Journeys of surviving and thriving after abuse, stories of strength and success.
These books were distributed to five domestic violence services within Brisbane. RizeUp will leave a book on the bed as a welcome gift in the houses that they set up to help domestic violence survivors leave an abusive relationship. Also, the Charity Save the Children were delivered the three titles in our series of books and these will be shared amongst their 4 refuges across the Brisbane region.
These books will not just help one reader each but are often used by refuge staff to work with residents as well as left in refuges to be read by multiple survivors as they pass through. Our stories of strength and success have the potential to help many hundreds if not thousands of domestic violence survivors and their families.
To acknowledge the contribution from the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Trust a special acknowledgement page was printed in the front each book with these words:
The Lord Mayor’s Charitable Trust
has funded the printing
of this book
to provide you with
hope and inspiration to help you
rebuild your life after domestic violence.