Get Involved and Help Us Support Domestic Violence Survivors
At Broken to Brilliant, we are on a mission to support survivors of domestic violence in their journey to recovery, healing, and rebuilding their lives.
You can help Broken to Brilliant achieve this mission and support our programs and services by getting involved in volunteering in one of our two Op Shops, or helping us to raise funds through events and campaigns such as Funds for a Future; A Morning Tea that Matters, Melbourne Cup, Dine for Domestic Violence, Everyday Hero and Containers for Change.
All funds raised through these events and campaigns will be used to provide books to domestic violence refuges, shelters and services across Australia and to support our many programs that assist survivors to break the cycle of domestic and family violence and create a new path in life.
Funds donated to Broken to Brilliant can receive a tax-deductible receipt.
Op Shop Volunteers
One significant way you can contribute to this cause is by becoming a volunteer at one of our two op shops located at Geebung or in Brisbane city. By volunteering with us, you play a crucial role in supporting survivors on their path to recovery. A percentage of the funds raised through our op shops directly contribute to the programs and services that empower survivors and rebuild their lives. Volunteers are the dedicated force behind our charity. As we extend a helping hand to others, we also discover the transformative impact on ourselves. Explore more about the benefits of volunteering in our blogs.
We hope you can join us for a day a month or a day a fortnight or a day a week.
Containers for Change
Collect eligible bottles and cans, and take them to one of the 48 Envirobank collection points in
Queensland and nominate Brilliant to Brilliant using the number C10029698 and 10-cents per
item will be donated to Broken to Brilliant and you receive a tax-deductible receipt, It really is that easy!
One person can collect bottles and cans, a family, one unit in an organisation or a whole organisation like Gold Coast Private Hospital, recycle and renew a domestic violence survivors life.
Broken to Brilliant is registered with Containers for Change and our Scheme ID is: C10029698
Give a Book for a Bed
You can donate one, two or all of our series of books to a refuge to place on the bed.
These books provide hope and inspiration to a victim of domestic violence when they most need it.
You can gift a book to help change a life by simply going to the shop page on our website.
Give a Broken to Brilliant book
Give a Terror to Triumph book
Give a Shattered to Shining Book
More information here
Melbourne Cup
Do you have a restaurant in your area that runs a Melbourne Cup event that is not supporting a charity? Why not ask if you could attend their event and run some raffles on that day, with the proceeds of the raffle being donated to Broken to Brilliant.
It is easy, just ask for donations of prizes from local businesses, family and friends and sell the tickets as people arrive. Enjoy the Melbourne Cup event at this venue with friends and draw the raffles throughout the day. It increases the atmosphere on the day and patrons will love it. We can supply posters and information.
Funds for a Future
Ask your local coffee shop, restaurants and
take-away stores to make a difference via
the “Funds for a Future” Campaign.
These businesses simply donate their tips
for a week, or a month or on going to the
Charity Broken to Brilliant. We will supply via email or post, a printable campaign poster, counter promotion and information on how to donate the tips and receive a tax-deductible receipt.
Morning Tea that Matters
At any time, you can run a morning tea at your workplace, playgroup or even at your home with family and friends.
Simply prepare the morning tea goodies such as scones, muffins, cakes etc and either sell them or ask for a gold coin donation.
To support your morning tea, we will supply you with information on why your event matters and how your morning tea will help a domestic violence survivor rebuild their life.
Dine for DV
Any meal anytime can make a difference to a domestic violence survivor.
If you are hosting a BBQ, a dinner party or simply having friends or family popping over to catch up for dinner, why not ask them to simply make a financial contribution. This money is donated to Broken to Brilliant, so not only is money raised to help domestic violence survivors, but this also spreads awareness about domestic and family violence and how everyone can help.
There are creative ways to hold events and still donate and support our charity. A few ideas:
driveway dinner for DV and donate
a virtual / Zoom a morning or afternoon tea and donate
a Cocktail Call - Zoom a cocktail party
Karaoke via Smule the social singing app
Everyday Hero
Anyone can be an ‘everyday hero’. If you are thinking about joining a walk, a run, a marathon,
or any event why not make it more worthwhile by turning it into a fundraiser as well. It can be
made so easy by using the “Everyday Hero” platform. Simply set up the event you are doing on
their site, nominating Broken to Brilliant as your charity and you are away. You can spread the
word far and wide using their online social media sharing tools.
Don't forget to use the social hashtags
#Giveabook #ContainersforChange #EverydayHero #DineforDV #MelbourneCup
#AMorningTeathatMatters #MTM #FundsforaFuture #FFF #HelpUs #GetInvolved
#BrokentoBrilliant #ShatteredtoShining #TerrortoTriumph