Founded by domestic violence survivors, to support fellow survivors
Our Mission
Our mission. Domestic Violence Survivors mentoring fellow survivors to recover, heal and rebuild their lives.
Who we are and what we do
Broken to Brilliant™ is an Australian registered not-for-profit charity established by domestic violence survivors to mentor other survivors to re-establish successful lives. We help victims who have safely left the abusive relationship and are out of the crisis by providing services and programs to empower, support, assist and give hope to survivors in their journey to create a new chapter in their lives.
Our focus is not during the crisis of domestic violence or during the stage of transition and resettlement time. Our focus is on a survivors journey of recovery and rebuilding their lives. See the image below - Stages of Domestic Violence - Abuse to Rebuilding.

Our Goal
Broken to Brilliant’s goal is to reduce the long-term impact of domestic violence by increasing financial independence, decreasing distress, increasing opportunities through education, life-skills training, and social support networks and supporting the rebuilding efforts of those who have experienced domestic violence.
The World Health Organisation has found that 35% of women worldwide have experienced either intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime, and 38% of murders of women are committed by an intimate partner.
Men are more likely to experience violence from strangers and in a public place; women are most likely to know the perpetrator (often their current or a previous partner) and the violence usually takes place in their home. One in six Australian women and one in 19 men have been subjected to physical and/or sexual violence (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare).
How we help
Broken to Brilliant helps domestic violence survivors by:
mentoring survivors to build their leadership skills through volunteering and involvement in the Board Working Groups
mentoring survivors to through our transformational programs Survivor to Thriver, DV-ART, HEART,
mentoring survivors to increase the public speaking skills through presentations raising awareness of domestic violence at conferences, at events & via podcasts
publishing a series of books to assist with long term recovery
providing access to an online course ‘The steps to rebuild your life’
linking domestic violence survivors with other survivors for guidance & support
running the Give a Book program toto distribute books to refuges and other services, where they are needed.

International Patron
Our international patron is Karen Jacobsen, the original Australian voice of SIRI, “the GPS girl” her message is “It is never too late to recalculate. Even in life’s most challenging situations, there is the possibility of a new beginning”.
Words from a survivor
“I would not be where I am today, on my journey, towards rebuilding and connecting with my true self, without the support, advice and guidance from the team at a Broken to Brilliant” - J.
Who we help
Overall we help victims rebuild and empower their lives and support survivors to become independent, active members of their community and not return to an abusive situation.
Listen to domestic violence survivors stories of strength and success in our podcasts. Read poetry by survivors and more about our programs, events, partnerships in our blogs.
Survivors can get help
Let us help you get started on your journey away from abuse, you are worth it, there is a world of healing, health and happiness that awaits you. See our programs
You can help survivors
You can also help to change lives by:
giving a book to a refuge
volunteer in our Op Shops at Geebung or Brisbane City, apply here
or helping support the charity in other ways find out more about how you can help Broken to Brilliant.
Contact Broken to Brilliant: